Our Photoshoot Experience
The whole process begins with you reaching out to us via our contact form or booking page, after some planning and formalities we all enjoy a super fun session in the studio. After the session is completed you will get a selection gallery to choose your favourite images, and finally we will deliver your final high-res digital images once they are all polished up and ready for you.
The whole process can take up to 6 weeks from start to finish. However, the usual length of engagement is around 3 weeks.
Continue on to learn about the process more in depth….
Step 1
For those hoping to book in a session at one of our events, simply use the booking functionality on our site to request a time slot at an event near you. You can use this calendar or take a look at the sessions in more details on our BOOKING PAGE.
If you can’t find a session near you, please reach out to us through our CONTACT PAGE and we can organise a private session for you. Similarly for commercial clients looking to organise a pet yearbook shoot or any other commercial pet photography please reach out through our CONTACT PAGE as well.
We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to working with you very soon!
Step 2
While we prepare to get in touch to confirm your session, take a look over our background colours and decide on a favourite. Feel free to ask our opinion if you can’t choose.
Step 3
At this stage we will get you to fill out a form that we use to gather the necessary data and declarations from you so that we can plan for the session. At this stage the non refundable base session fee will also be paid upon submission of this form.
Whilst you get to mostly sit back and relax, we will be working hard behind the scenes in order to get everything in order for your session along with the many others we will likely be hosting on that day. We may have follow up questions for you, or request that you organise a groom for your pet.
Either way we will be available to answer any remaining questions you have for us.
Step 4
All of our preparation and planning finally comes to pass, your join us for a whole bunch of fun during your session, where your pet gets a whole lot of pats, treats and love whilst we snap as many photos as they are comfortable with. We keep our sessions nice and short so this part should only take 10-20 minutes.
Step 5
During the session, we will capture a lot of photos, however not all of these will be usable and most are not intended to be. Our first step after the session is to cull the images into a small selection of images we would be happy to deliver as final images.
We focus on getting you a variety of poses, faces and emotions in this selection where possible. Usually we can expect 10 or more images from our usual session length to be sent through in a gallery. Sometimes for nervous pets this can be fewer or even many more for the really confident pets.
At this stage we will apply very basic editing and crop the images in such a way that you will be able to see a glimpse of how the images will turn out.
Step 6
Once we have gathered and prepared all of the images we would be happy to deliver as a product of our session together you will be given access to a selection gallery. This will be where you get to preview your images and send us a selection of which you would like to receive as a part of your package.
This is also where you will have the chance to purchase additional images, so you can really build a collection of memories!
Step 7
Arguable where the majority of our time is spent during the editing of your images. We look over each image meticulously and make some heavy edits to ensure your pet is looking as good as they can. This is where the true value and cost of hiring a photographer actually lies.
This process can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks on its own depending on the number of images you have selected and our current capacity for work. Out of the Box The images may look great however they will always pale in comparison to the final images.
Session Pricing and Extras
We have structured our business around a basic and minimal sitting fee, which covers everything from the planning of the short and sweet session to the delivery of the first digital image. If you fall in love with more images you are welcome to purchase extras during image selection.
We also offer custom pricing for commercial photography services for our pet businesses out there looking for a photoshoot.
For our clients that can’t make it to one of our events for any reason, we also offer private in home sessions for an additional pop-up fee.
Professional grade prints are available on request also.
$50 per image
1 Dog Per Session
$25 per image
Book now
Ready to book in? See what locations we will be visiting and when and access our booking page to organise your session with us. Even if you don’t see a date or location that works you can get in touch to see if we have plans to add more events or if we can organise a private session just for you.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about our upcoming events, specials or model calls.
Your Mobile pet photography studio, capturing the colourful goofy and hilarious moments of your furry friends. Like school photos for pets, but a whole lot more fun!
See what events we have happening near you soon, or even request new locations for us to visit. Requesting a booking is the first step towards some amazing images of your furry friends.