If you have any general queries, feel free to use this form, or any of the contact information below to get in touch. We will strive to get back to you as quick as we can! We look forward to getting in touch!
If you’re a commercial client looking to book in a session to gather content, create a puppy yearbook or anything for your business please reach out here also.
Use the above form. If we get enough requests for a single location we may visit the area soon!
Here you can find the answers to some of our most common questions. Looking through these just might save you the need to reach out!
Unfortunately not. Our style here at The Bark Room relies on there being one clear subject in the image. Also, the added time to capture your best angle at the same time as your pets, just isn't viable in the short form sessions we have based our business around. We see ourselves as the school photographers of your pets, just way more fun.
Once you have reached out, booked in a session and the session has taken place, we aim to get your selection gallery to you in 1 week. Depending how quickly you return this gallery and organise any additional purchases, from here final deliver is usually 2-4 weeks away.
If you can't currently see any events live in your area, you can reach out to find if we plan to host one nearby soon. If we don't have plans to visit the area or you just can't wait until then we do offer our private visits. So we can organise to travel to you for a cost.
Unfortunately not. In order to avoid added complexity and to stick closely with our style we have decided to no longer attempt to photograph multiple subjects at once. You can book two sessions back to back and we can photograph one after the other, they just can't share the stage, so to speak.
All of our pre planned events will take place in a secured building of some sort. Most often similar to community halls. The sessions can also take place at markets, however these sessions cannot be booked in advance and come with added complications.
After reaching out and answering any questions we might have before confirming your session, you can leave the rest up to us. All you will need to do is organise a last minute groom for your pet if advised and turn up for your session.
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Your Mobile pet photography studio, capturing the colourful goofy and hilarious moments of your furry friends. Like school photos for pets, but a whole lot more fun!
See what events we have happening near you soon, or even request new locations for us to visit. Requesting a booking is the first step towards some amazing images of your furry friends.